Powered by Restream https://restream.io Consider a one-time tip on Ko-Fi, or become a monthly supporter of my research! https://ko-fi.com/valhalla_dev Hey, let's develop some malware! Today we're going to start from relative scratch and convert our malware over from C to Rust! -- Books and Resources -- Kernigan and Ritchie's book on C (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3ffh85F Windows Internals (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3Wbw4Cl Theo's video on Tutorial Hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkUuXQUByuw My blog on moving to Mastodon: https://www.valhallaresearch.net/why-im-moving-to-the-fediverse/ Follow me on Mastodon: https://kolektiva.social/web/@valhalla_dev -- You can find me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/valhalla_dev You can also join my weekly newsletter, Valhalla Research, where I talk all things software, entrepreneurship, politics and finance: https://valhallaresearch.substack.com/subscribe My research blog: https://valhallaresearch.net -- #malware #reverseengineering #malwareanalysis